Dermaroller for home microneedling

How to use Dermaroller

Thanks to the micro-needles of the roller, micro-lesions are created that activate a natural process of cellular regeneration of the skin, thus stimulating collagen, fibroblasts and elastin all combined with specially formulated products that will act in  this process, hence  the result will be excellent!


1.Thoroughly Clean your face with Rigenera 01


  1. Gently use the roller in the areas of interest by rolling back and forth – bottom up – right left – diagonally press intensely, depending on the blemish to be treated, until the area becomes red.


  1. after using the roller, distribute rigenera 0.2 or rigenera 0.5 according to the imperfection


  1. repeat steps 2 and 3


  1. put the aloe karite mask (rigenera 0.6)


  1. put the decongestant cream (rigenera 07)


Rigenera 0.5 is indicated for dilated pores – oily skin and in general uniformed skin


Rigenera 0.2 is indicated for wrinkles – scars and reviving the skin in general